Well folks it has happened.Sort of I guess. The big’un in the the Big Easy. Here’s an account of my experience of the ordeal.
Thursday I saw this monster of a storm.I joked around cause I figured it would veer off one way or another.I have never left New Orleans for a hurricane before why start now? I always laughed at the people who drove 26 hours to Houston to escape a little wind and a few raindrops.
Friday was pretty much the same.I was asking people if they were staying or leaving. I was planning the “Hurricane Party”.I figured I’d be in New Orleans working anyways so lets get the people who are staying to come in.
Saturday my roommate left for Diamondhead Mississippi. I hope he’s alright. I told him I was staying in N.O. and also told him Diamondhead wasn’t a good idea. I think I told him he might as well stay here if he’s going to Diamondhead. He repleid with “ At least it’s not a bowl”.
Saturday Night I was still planning on staying.I worked from 1am-9am.The more I watched the news the sicker I felt. I had to get outta there. I got off work and decided I had to go. I packed a few things, grabbed my dog and headed out around 1pm Sunday. Keep in mind I had been awake since around 4:30-5pm Saturday. The news was saying go east to Florida cause there is very little traffic.I filled my tank up on Claiborne and jumped on I-10 east. I got right past the Elysian Feilds Exit before I hit GRIDLOCK! It took nearly an hour and a half to 2 hours just to get over the twin spans. On the road I heard a honk next to me and looked over to see Johnny B flippin me off. He asked where I was goin. I told him Florida. He told me they were going that way too with a caravan of people including Billy “The Dude” Hamilton from Le Bon Temp. I took us nearly 6 hours to get to Slidell where we found out that Mississippi had closed off I-10 east. They were diverting everyone north on I-59. Once on 59 we able to start doing the speed limit but it had started raining. The windshield wiper on my drivers side stopped working.I had to lean to the right to see out of passenger side. The collective caravan was starting to get low on gas. No gas to be found anywhere. We kept getting off on exits where everything was closed.Many pissed motorists stuck on these exits with no gas. A few exits had police telling everyone to get back on the road everything on this exit is closed. We finally got to Hattiesberg Mississippi on fumes. The first gas station we stopped at was closed but you could get gas with a credit card. No luck ...no one had a credit card. We found a gas station off the beaten path that had gas. There was a Sonic nearby where we grabbed some food.
We got back on the road as there were no hotels in Hattiesberg. we were told there was nothing available until Birmingham Alabama. We stopped at several exits along the way to seek shelter with no luck. around 6am I decided to pull our caravan off at Bessmer Alabama about 15 miles from Birmingham. We went to the Comfort Inn where the Comfort Cunt at the counter who was just extremely rude insisted there were no rooms. I called my stepdad who checked on the internet for me. The Motel 6 nearby had rooms! We shot over there and were told there were no vacancies right now but there should be some after noon. We reserved our rooms and sat in the parking lot from 6am until almost 1pm.
I got to my room,took a shower, watched some news about my poor city, and went to sleep. I had been awake for almost 48 hours. I woke up around 9pm. The power was out and the storm was brewin outside. The storm wasn’t too bad a lot of wind not some rain, no thunder or lightning. I played some PSP, watched a movie on my laptop, and slept on and off until about 8am when Johnny B knocked on my door. The hospital across the street had generators and were serving food in the cafeteria. I got up and went to go eat the worst and the best breakfast in my life. When we finished eating the power had been restored to our hotel and the surrounding area. i am at the Motel 6 in Bessmer Mississippi. If any of my peeps can call and lemme know if you are all right the number here is 205-426-9646 room 230.My cellphone isn’t working at all. I have been sending out text messages but I don’t know if anyone is gettin em.
What do I do next? I don’t know yet. From the news it sounds like we won’t be let back into LA for about a week. Also it sounds like no power for a while either; weeks maybe. Johnny B was able to get a hold of Joe Cosgrove(F&M’s). He said uptown is not too bad. Most is still standing. I may be headed to Florida and shack up with my Mom until it is safe to come back.
Well I will try ta keep ya posted.Please do the same for me.
Thanks and take care.
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Saturday, July 30, 2005
Yes I am a slacker!
Sorry it's been a while since I posted but things have been hectic.(And I am just plain lazy!).
Anyhow I'm still alive and kicking. Funny how I don't usually drink much but the other night I ended up at the bar until 10am.
As a special treat for you guys I figured I'd give ya some fun links to check out as well as one of my favorite shots of the day!
######EVIL SHOT OF THE DAY######
******THE DIRTY SLUT*******
1/3 shot of JAGERMIESTER
1/3 shot of PEACHTREE
1/3 shot of CROWN ROYAL
Splash of cranberry juice
Shake over ice.Strain into shot glass. Try not to think of that evil ex-girlfriend of yours..
Dual Guitar
BIG ASS TITTIES video(This is not porn..Funny ass video)
Zombie Pin-up Girls
Fake-a-wish Foundation
Chemical Brothers Game
Incredible Quarter Toss Video!
Saturday, July 09, 2005
Depressing Drunks
As a graveyard shift bartender most of the people I encounter are out partying and having a good time. However, I do work one day shift a week(9am-5pm) and my graveyard shifts run into the early morning hours. Let me first lay out a 24 hour timeframe of the customers of my bar:
7:00am-3:00pm-This is usually the most depressing time in the bar.(I will describe this further later in this post)The exception is between 11:30am-1:00pm where I may have a few tourists or people stopping in for a lunchtime cocktail.
3:00pm-7:00pm-Mainly people getting off work. A happy hour of sorts.
7:00pm-10:00pm-A little slow time with a few stragglers. Maybe a few people getting ready to kick off their night.
10:00pm-3:00am-The general busy time.Good times start rolling. Lots of socializing. No one is very wasted yet at this point.Only about a 20% chance of a fight breaking out.
3:00am-5:00am-The fun starts....Service industry(which I am very happy to see), drunks and people who have gotten kicked out of other bars, people who are too intoxicated to be in public, people looking to buy/sell drugs.This is also the time of night when the girls get fewer and fewer leaving sexually frustrated guys trying to figure out what to do with themselves if there are any females in the bar everyone of these idiots will think they are going home with her. Can't a girl or girls just have a drink without every guy thinking she's looking to go home with one of them. Maybe they just want to relax and enjoy a drink and not have to deal with fending off guys trying to pick them up. (I could get into the pick-up lines but that's a whole different post.) Needless to say this tends to chase the pretty young girls out of the bar which sucks for me.This is also the time of night when there is passing out,puking, pissing, destruction of property, and fighting. Chances of a fight 70%.
5:00am-7:00am-This is a sad time as well..There may be a few service industry stragglers but mostly pathetic guys looking for more drugs or drunk girls to take home or both.Usually extremely coked up or coming down. Hoping that some female is around drunk enough to say yes. Usually a very dead period. The predators usually don't stick around too long once they figure out that it's 6:30 in the morning and they just need to hang it up. Some of them actually think that it might be better at some other bar (but it probably isn't) and leave to go there next.Chance of a fight 40%.
Okay now that I got that out of the way I'd like to talk about the dreaded DAY SHIFT. This is the time of day which just makes me sick to my stomach. Mostly old men(usually not very healthy looking old men) rolling out of bed with the shakes and coming straight to the bar. These guys do it every day. The same shit. I try asking them "why don't you get a hobby or something". It's like I am there watching these guys waiting to die. They wake up and start drinking till they pass out then wake up and do it again. They have nothing in their life except to drink. Mostly beer drinkers with very little or no money.
I feel like a babysitter for the walking dead. Most of them have no friends and are mean old bastards. Sometimes I wish they would just hurry up and die but mostly I wish they would do something fufilling with the little bit of time they have left here on earth. I mean I hope when I am their age I have a hell of a viagra addiction and I am chasing tail at the retirement home. It's frustrating watching these guys who aren't making me any money drinking Milwalkees Best Light and Coors Light. Coughing like they got jello in their lungs.I mean it would be one thing if they were having a good time and socializing and shit. Instead they just sit there looking miserable with their beer.
Alright I just had to get that off my chest...sorry for ramblin on....
Without further ado I bring you:
#####SATAN'S REVENGE######
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Here are a few pix from around my hood after tropical storm Cindy breezed through the Big Easy...
1/3 shot 151 proof rum
1/3 shot Everclear
1/3 shot triple sec
Make in a shot glass, ignite, and slam!!
This shot is on fire idiot, be careful not to get burned!!!
1/3 shot 151 proof rum
1/3 shot Everclear
1/3 shot triple sec
Make in a shot glass, ignite, and slam!!
This shot is on fire idiot, be careful not to get burned!!!
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Visitor Q-DVD Review
This flick is not for the following:
The moral majority
Jesus Freaks
Takashi Miike is probably best described as the Japanese Quentin Tarantino except Miike will take you places Tarantino could never bring you. While Tarantino's style is more focused on storyline and dialog, Miike's visuals will haunt you forever.
Visitor Q will make you think twice about your dysfuntional family as the one on your screen never ceases to amaze. Miike touches upon almost every taboo imaginable and then some. Scenes of necrophilia,abuse,incest, and more will batter your eyeballs and leave you dumbfounded. This movie was originaly made for TV in Japan! (Oh Those Japanese!)
The father is a reality TV host. The Mother a battered, lactating, herion shooting junkie. The daughter is a whore. The son is abused and battered by school bullies day after day. Then a stranger (Visitor Q) shows up and whacks the father on the head.
The dad brings this skull cracking stranger home to meet the family. The family unit begins to change (for the better?).
Let me just say that this is one of the most bizzare movies you will ever see.
I rate "VISITOR Q":
out of five stars.
Sunday, July 03, 2005
The Jacket-DVD review
I was not to sure about this movie when I rented it. Adrien Brody?? Anyways the first few minutes of this flick was like an intense acid trip and little hard to grasp. After the initial mind warping the story starts to flow. Think Jacobs Ladder meets The Butterfly Effect married to 12 Monkeys addicted to Requiem for a Dream and maybe you will understand the ride this movie gives ya.
Anyway Jack Starks (Adrien Brody) is a Gulf War veteran who gets a nasty head wound. The result of certain events leads him to be institutionalized where Dr.Becker (Kris Kristofferson) performs experimental "PSYCHO" therapy involving a straight jacket and a morgue drawer. Jack becomes increasingly confused as he "travels" between the present and a surreal future in which he learns of his demise in 4 days. I won't spoil the rest for ya cause you should really watch this flick.
I rate "THE JACKET":
out of five stars.
This weekend has been one brutal weekend.I feel like I shouldn't have even gone to work. I worked way too hard for the little bit of cash I made..Maybe tonight will be better seeing as how a lot of people have off tomorrow. I'll try to be optimistic but it's hard. All right enough bitchin....
>>>>>FUCK YOU<<<<<
1 shot Tequila
1 shot of Jack Daniels
1 shot Wild Turkey
1 shot Goldschlager
1 shot 151 Rum
1 shot Blueberry Schnapps
Pour over ice, strain in to shot glass.
Possible side effects of this shot may include but are not limited to: Projectile Vomiting, Shortness of Breath, Sudden loss of appetite, Loose Bowels, diarrhea, nausea, sleepiness,urge to make random drunken 3am phone calls to exgirlfriend or mother, male pattern baldness, impotence, and occasional fornication with small furry animals.
Friday, July 01, 2005
New Tattoo
Whoo HOO!!!
I got some new ink yesterday....
The artist was Tim Dennis of Aart Accent on Rampart Street.
The original concept is from a Robert Williams painting Titled:
"The Arapaho Maiden Who Worshiped a Breaded Weenie But Let Her Mustard Go Brown"
Visit Robert Williams Juxtapose Magazine Site!
Oh yeah by the way you should really check this out:
Rooftop Skateboarding!
Anyhow I know you want it so here it is:
1/4 Shot Rumpleminz
1/4 shot Jagermeister
1/4 Shot Tequila
1/4 shot 151 Proof Rum
Create in shot glass then shoot yourself for drinking it!!!
By the way NOLA peeps enjoy Essence Fest you fuckers!
Thursday, June 30, 2005
fuggin tired man....
Dayum frakin tired....My folks have been in town runnin me ragged...been gettin very little sleep.Played the worst game of golf ever known to man...so on that note I'm gonna get some sleep but not before I give you this:
Sunday, June 19, 2005
Just Awful
I have been having a rough week. Buisness is slow ( Summer Bummer)..I have been havin bouts of random vomiting for the past couple of days ( feeling better now,thanks for asking).Oh well enough bitchin...
Here's a new little thing I am gonna add to this blog...drumroll please...
Not that anyone is actually reading this so maybe I'm just doin it for my own amusement.
>>>>>BLUE SMURF PEE<<<<<
1/4 shot Jagermeister
1/4 shot 151 Rum
1/4 shot Rumpleminz
1/4 shot Blue Curacao
pour over ice,strain in to glass, try not to make a funny face while drinking.
Here's a new little thing I am gonna add to this blog...drumroll please...
Not that anyone is actually reading this so maybe I'm just doin it for my own amusement.
>>>>>BLUE SMURF PEE<<<<<
1/4 shot Jagermeister
1/4 shot 151 Rum
1/4 shot Rumpleminz
1/4 shot Blue Curacao
pour over ice,strain in to glass, try not to make a funny face while drinking.
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
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